Fabric is a well-known platform for mobile development that is actively used by Rubyroid Labs Team. We can highly recommend it, and in order to prove the point we start a series of articles (check Part 2, Part 3) about the tools Fabric offers to mobile developers. Altogether there will be 3 posts about it, enjoy the first one of them.

About Fabric

Fabric is a popular platform that is used worldwide by all sorts of mobile developers. It is suitable for both Android and iOS development. The main advantage of Fabric is that it lets one get down to work very quickly with no need to spend hours for all preparations. But the real gem of Fabric is the collection of tools it offers. Basically Fabric offers all you need for mobile software development.

Here come the first four of them.

1. Crash Reporting

Fabric Tools for Mobile DevelopmentOne should know that Fabric was created by the same people that developed Crashylitcs. No wonder that the platform offers a great SDK to track all the crashes of your mobile app. The SDK works for both Android and iOS and provides high fidelity reports, which you can tune up to your needs. With the help of this tool you will be able to test app performance not only on different OS, but also on different devices. This way you have both software and hardware crash coverage. To top it up with Fabric Crash Reporting system you can get live crash alerts as well as easily establish beta-testing for your app. To cut a long story short this is a very powerful SDK any mobile developer that cares about quality would find useful.

2. Mobile Analytics

Fabric Tools for Mobile DevelopmentAnalytics is a cornerstone of any mobile app development. With Mobile Analytics SDK you will be able to track how successful your product is doing. It helps one to keep an eye on all major marketing factors, such as new users, active users, sessions, sign up on a daily and monthly basis. Besides, it has a very nice event report, which makes making conclusions on the statistics even easier. Another useful part is audience study, with the help of which you will know gender, nationality, interests and plenty other factors about your users, which is invaluable for good marketing.

3. Mobile Integration

Fabric Tools for Mobile DevelopmentThis tool helps one to use the advantage of a mobile app that desktop doesn’t have. Basically it lets User to use his phone book for finding people he should follow in your app or use his phone number for authorization. For example you can ask User to provide his phone number for sign up and then enter a confirmation code he received as SMS for verification. Such close integration with the mobile is not only progressive, but enhances the user-experience dramatically. And the happier your client is, the happier you are.

4. Twitter Integration

Fabric Tools for Mobile DevelopmentEverything goes social these days. This SDK helps one to introduce Twitter to your app with just a few lines of code. You can use it for a number of purposes: add tweet feed from your account, add a single tweet post from the influencer or simply add login via twitter account. In any case this tool makes it as easy as possible with staying native to your design.


As you see, Fabric platform has a number of useful SDKs. These are only few of them, other will be covered in our next 2 posts (check Part 2 , Part 3), so stay tuned.

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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