Rubyroid Labs Team continues to review Fabric Tools a mobile developer can make use of. As you know from Part 1, Fabric is a great tool for development on both Android and iOS. Its main advantage is the abundance of software development kits, which reduces the time required to start coding significantly. Have a look at a new portion of Fabric Tools in our article series.

1. Monetization

Fabric Tools for mobile development

Monetization is an important part of any app. MoPub is a service that helps one to track statistics on views and sales, which is a great ground for making up your marketing strategy. Besides, it can be used as a marketplace via which you can collaborate with advertisers directly. The intelligent system of the MoPub guarantees that you show the ad from highest paying client, which maxims your revenue. With the help of MoPub SDK from Fabric it is easy to start earning with your app the moment you launch it, so don’t forget to use it for your mobile project.

2. Infrastructure

Fabric Tools for mobile development

Amazon Cognito Sync is another service that is widely used by mobile developers. It is dealing with data storage allows the app to store data in cloud on User devices depending on the needs of the developer. With the help of this tool once can manage mobile data and introduce their synchronization without having to spend weeks on writing the backend. This way you can launch the app sooner and focus on other aspect of the mobile development.

3. Payments

Fabric Tools for mobile development

Implementing a payment system is one of the most serious aspects of the mobile development. It is not only the complexity of the development, but the cost of the mistake. This way it is always better to use the common solutions. One of those is Stripe offered as a SDK by Fabric. To cut a long story short it lets you accept almost any payment from anyone. It supports more than 100 currencies and is actively used in 21 countries. The good system of conversion and high level of security make it a good choice for any mobile app that involves payments.

4. Optimization

Fabric Tools for mobile development

When aiming high, it is always good to know which solutions work better for your app KPI. That is why it is a common practice to perform A/B testing, which provides a developer with insights on the efficiency of the different layouts, colour schemes or menu structures. Using this tool from Fabric, you can perform any A/B tests you want just in a few clicks. The system would take care about monitoring the results itself. And you will be able to shape best customer experience just in a few clicks.


Today we have covered a few important SDKs that Fabric offers. You might want to have a look at Part 1 and Part 3. Also, soon there will be another article on the rest of the tools Fabric platform offers. Talk to you later!

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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