Welcome to the third and final part of the article series devoted to Fabric SDKs. If you missed our previous articles, you can find Part 1 and Part 2 here. Fabric is a great tool for creating Android and iOS applications. And its SDKs make it even better, since one doesn’t have to spend a lot of time on search for suitable solutions and their installations. Have a look at the final set of Fabric SDKs now!

1. UX Analysis

fabric mobile tools

Appsee is a great tool for any UX Analyst. It provides you with tons of useful information, which with proper use can give you some hints on where the room for improvement is. To be more specific, Appsee has a few really useful tools:

  1. User recordings

Check where you customers click and what are the results of their behavior. By shadowing your customers you will see what problems they face, is the font big enough or are the buttons easy to find.

  1. Heatmap

Heatmap is a common UX technique. You will see in what places customers usually click, which gives one an idea whether everything is located properly.

  1. User Flows

Have a look at what is the journey of your customers and what pages provoke maximum amount of clicks.

2. Maps

fabric mobile tools

Today when geolocation hardware is getting top notch, more developers use maps in their applications. Mapbox is a handy solution with a number of great preset styles and good UX. With the help of it one can both collect geo information about your clients and provide them with an OpenSource map. It is free up to 50,000 users and has a really great dashboard for management.

3. Game Analytics

fabric mobile tools

GameAnalytics provides developers with a plenty of insights into the behavior of their customers. One can track statistics and use it in many ways: improve gameplay, understand what content is the most suitable for monetization and most important compare your results with other applications. To cut a long story short this is an invaluable source of game marketing information.

4. Speech Recording

fabric mobile tools

Nuance Mix is an innovative tool designed to provide app manipulation via voice. With the help of mapping phrases and creating a semantic nucleus one can create a really intelligent robot. Besides, the tool includes machine learning, which makes it even more efficient. This puts app manipulation to the next level and helps one to create a really impressive app.

5. Realtime Signaling

fabric mobile tools

PubNub is a global data stream network that can be used not only for mobile, but also for web projects. It can be used in a wide range of ways, including: subscribe messaging, presence display, storage, mobile push notifications, etc. But in any way one should agree that this SDK is really quick and handy, which is basically everything a data stream should be.


As you can see from our articles (part 1, part 2), Fabric can boast of a really good set of SDKs. We, in Rubyroid Labs love this platform and can definitely recommend it to any mobile developer. We hope this overview has helped you to get some insight in its abilities and pay more attention at this product.

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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