Many people talk about Ruby on Rails, but those who are not so much into coding don’t really understand what it is al above. So we talked to our friends Toptal and with their help have prepared 5 reasons why developers love Ruby Rails so much.

1. Handy

Ruby on Rails gives you many freedoms. And though some of you may worry that too much freedoms means too many troubles, but in fact it turns out to work pretty great for developers. All errors are easy to spot, which puts all risks to minimum.

2. Versatile

Another great thing about Ruby on Rails is how versatile it is. It has so many features that come in help of developers of all levels.

Of course, some might say that Ruby on Rails doesn’t have some features other languages have. But on the other hand what Rails already have in the sleeve is more than enough for the majority of projects.

3. Pragmatic

Pragmatism can’t but attract developers. Ruby on Rails allows creating a project of any complexity with no extra hustle required.

On the one hand it is minimalistic, but on the other one it provides a great variety of options for development.

4. Close to Natural Language

One more great thing about Ruby on Rails is that it is as close to the natural English language as possible. This way it is very easy to start coding using Rails and generally it requires much less effort to understand the code. Ruby on Rails is simple for perception, which makes it so joyful to use.

5. Community Support

And finally the thing that almost any Ruby on Rails developer mentions when talking about it. Ruby on Rails has one of the best digital communities, which are extremely supportive and helpful. It is the community that pushes Rails forward and spreads it across the world.


As you see there are so many reasons to love Ruby on Rails. We would like to thank Toptal one more time for their help in preparing this article.

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.


  1. Hey there, great post.

    Still, I have some suggestions for correction in this post:
    In 2nd paragraph you say, that “Ruby on Rails doesn’t have some features other languages have”. I suppose you wanted to write “Ruby” or framework instead of language. As Ruby on Rails is framework which is based on Ruby language.
    Probably 4th paragraph can be patched up also.

    Thanks for this post, cheers 🙂

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