Christmas gifts are arriving early this year. And one of them is Ruby on Rails 5.0.1 release. Find what it has brought about inside! It is less than a half a year since we were welcoming Ruby on Rails 5.0.0 release.

Now some shiny update has seen the light. This is the first update of Rails 5 version, which makes it a must to upload. Why? This is quite easy – it contains all the most important fixes for Rails 5 version. So if there was something that made your teeth clench and eyes pop, now it’s the high time to do the update.

What is Rails 5.0.1 about?

Basically, this version offers the update of a number of pretty useful gems. Most of them had some nice features introduced during big Rails 5.0 update. The list of gems includes:

  • Action Cable
  • Action Mailer
  • Action Pack
  • Action View
  • Active Job
  • Active Model
  • Active Record
  • Active Support
  • Railties

You can find the whole list of changes here. We, in Rubyroid Labs, love using Ruby on Rails. That is why every update makes us more and more excited since it makes the product we love even better. And with every update we have more opportunities to create our apps quicker, on a more complex level and with a better quality of code.

And what do you think about the new update? Share with us in the comments.

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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