A lot of people love playing Where’s Waldo and (not surprisingly) everybody loves good landing pages. In this article we will tell you how to become better at both things. Check details inside. We don’t know what triggered you more to open this article: landing pages or Waldo, but hopefully it was the first. In fact, playing Waldo might help you become a lot better at choosing a layout for your landing page and create a better UI/UX. But first, let’s catch up a little with what we already know about landing templates.
What is F-template?
At the moment the most popular template used for landing pages and full-body websites is F-template. As you see, it got its name after its shape. All the most important information is organized on the left with some elements on the right as well. It is based on the knowledge that we read row by row from left to right. This template has proved its efficiency highly packed with text websites e.g. news portals or blogs.
But when it gets down to landing pages F-template doesn’t work that well. A reason for that is that unlike text websites, a landing page is usually packed with graphics, so we look at it differently. This is where Waldo comes in the game.
How to find Waldo?
Randy Olson, an American analyst, is probably a big fan of Waldo. He analyzed all seven books about him and created a way to find Waldo in 10 seconds (you will have to wait for it). First, he mapped all the most common places, where Waldo can be seen. Then he turned it into Kernel Density diagram:
The darkest areas show, where Waldo is the most likely to be found. And since the essence of the game is to make it hard to find Waldo, one can assume that you are least likely to look at that places. “This is not scientific!” – you might say. And you would have been right if the Waldo theory were not proved by Gutenberg principle.
Tell me more about Gutenberg Principle
We are not the first to be looking for the perfect landing layout.
This principle was created in the middle 50s as a version of perfect newspaper layout. And in fact it proved to be quite efficient today. Gutenberg principle divides the page into 4 squares: As you see, it says that we are looking through the page by diagonal. In fact this is exactly what people are told to do when they are studying speed reading. Now let’s get back to our Waldo and put these two diagrams together:
As you see, creators of Waldo (whether consciously or subconsciously) used Gutenberg principle, when creating their books. This shows that if you have a landing page packed with graphics, and you probably do, instead of using F-template, organize the most important elements in the first and fourth square, since User is most likely to browse through them. And as a cherry top, here’s the method Olsen suggests for finding the Waldo.
Good luck with both things!