Modern IT Market is like a live organism: it grows up and becomes more sophisticated with every year. Tracing main market trends helps one to make sure their IT project is on the right way of development. Besides, it is a great chance to learn how one can achieve even better marketing results. No matter whether you own a small online store or a complex IT solution, this article will be useful to you.

We have analyzed a number of reports and white papers on the main IT marketing trends and have gathered for you top 5 hallmarks on what is hot right now. Please enjoy the list of them below.

1. Internet of Me

‘Internet of Me’ trend has been talked a lot about during the last few years. But now it has become evident that this is just a noticeable tendency, but a huge trend that it going to (if hasn’t already) change the approach to how we create IT products in the whole world.

The essence of the Internet of Me is that the End User is becoming the centre of any digital process. For example if you want to sell something online, only posting info about your products wouldn’t be enough, make sure you offer exclusive and engaging digital experience.

Many companies in offline world like e.g. Coca-cola have already made a significant step towards providing a unique experience. And now we have come to a stage when customers expect the same from Digital enterprises. One can start with using customer data for sending exclusive coupons and congratulating on customer’s birthday and national holidays and later move to a more sophisticated offers based on customer behavior at your website or store.


2. Sell results not things

Another big thing today is the shift in mindset. If during the last few decades it was a common practice to sell things, now the expectations are higher and major business models have shifted to selling results. It’s a well know saying by Harvard professor Theodore Levitt, who said that people didn’t want quarter-inch drill bits; they wanted quarter-inch holes.

This trend is easy to notice in the IT world. During the last 5 years we have seen a rise of plenty analytics and management services designed to improved efficiency, productivity and income. This way, if you are trying to sell your IT solution or retail products to a large amount of customers, make sure you are focused on the results it provides.


3. Unification of online an offline world

This trend refers to platform evolution and development of online world of things. Until recent years online and offline stores lived independently without caring a lot about each other. With the development of the technology and reducing it cost as a result, more offline companies treat it as a necessity to have an online version. The thesis can be proved by the increased amount of ‘in store pick up’ services offered by retail stores.

The unification of eCommerce and offline experience has led to a new way of marketing and selling things, which we are going to encounter in the new digital era.


4. Cloud Technologies

We are lucky to live to the days when people stopped simply talking about the advantages of cloud technologies and started in fact using them. Today there is high demand of introducing cloud technology to new and existing businesses. One can highlight top 3 approaches to use it:

  • software-as-a-service (SaaS)
  • platform-as-a-service (PaaS)
  • private/public use

If you are still on the stage “Should I use cloud technologies?”, we highly recommend you to switch to the one “How can I use them?”


5. Human-Machine collaboration on a new level

Increasing development of technologies allows us to rethink human-machine interaction and collaboration. According to forecasts, in the next 50 years we are going to let machines perform round 50% of our daily routine. The example of self-driving cars manufactured by Audi and Mercedes Benz already tell that the future is nearer than we think. The new level of collaboration is visible not only on a hardware level, but on a software level as well: wearable devices (e.g. Fitbit, Apple Watch) and smart machines make IT technology not a tool, but a partner in cooperation.

With keeping an eye on those trends, you will be able to form modern and efficient business model for your IT product, which can’t but bring great results!

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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