Hey, it looks like it has been a long time since you saw our faces, so we decided to share with some great photo report from Rubyroid Labs International Men’s and Women’s Day Party. It is a common tradition here in Belarus to celebrate Men’s and Women’s Day and we know how to celebrate it like no other. So get inside to check some great photos.

The first celebration took place on February 23. The girls from our Team congratulated guys on the International Men’s Day, treated them with some true men’s food aka pizza and gave them some nice ginger cookies with superheroes displayed on them as a sweet gift.
And to celebrate International Women’s Day we gathered the whole Rubyroid Labs to Team to do some Space Quest. This was great fun and boosted Team Spirit to the sky. Each participant got his own monster hat to pamper his cute inner monster nature a little. Besides, there were some card tricks and, of course, some great food and drinks. The winner of the quest got 10 kilos of sweets, which are currently being step by step destroyed in the office.

That was great fun, hope you also managed to catch some great atmosphere of the party!

And how do you spend time with your Team? Tell us in comments!

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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