What can be easier than sending an email to your customer? Unfortunately, too many people think like that, and when you click the ‘Send’ button, your customers might receive an email that has too much room for improvement. We have gathered 5 great tips on how to improve your emails quickly and easy, so that even a kid can do that!

1. Nice to Call to Actions

easy email tips

Let’s be frank, call to actions are the main reason why we send emails to our customers. It doesn’t matter whether we want to make them purchase something, read your blog post or take part in your latest contest, you should always make sure clicking the link in the email is as easy as possible. It is a good practice to make them look like buttons as in the example above. With some really basic HTML you can score plenty points for your email. Just do the following:

<a href=”http://YourLink.Com”>
<img src=”http://ImageAddress.png” alt=”SomeHintText”/>

When Using Call-to-Actions you should always keep in mind that more than 60% of the emails are opened from Mobile Devices, and the percent keeps growing.

So please make sure the button is big enough to be clicked from a phone or tablet. it is also a wise decision not to put 2 buttons next to each other to avoid misclick.

2. Structured Info

easy email tips
Nothing is more important in any type of the content as good structure. And email are not an exception. All sorts of lists, blocks and grids will help your customer to read the info easily, which significantly decreases the chances of it be thrown to basket after a few seconds.
And if you are sending a receipt, providing a good grid, as in the example above, is a must.

3. Clean Design

easy email tips
Some companies want to entertain their customers so much that put to many photos, gifs and decorative elements to their email. All this makes email heavy to load and is simply hard on the eye.
Keep it nice and clean. It not only shows good taste, but also lets your customers concentrate on what is important – your product.

4. Personalized Subject Line

easy email tips
Personalized subject line is a nice final touch to your great emails. According to statistics, it increases the open rate by 22%. Besides, it simply gives your customers the feeling that they are unique and important to you, so don’t lose that chance.
To make sure you can make emails personalized, don’t forget to add 2 fields to your email subscription form: Name and Surname. If you try to cheat and save space by having 1 field for them, you will end sending emails in a little rude way mentioning Name and Surname in the subject, and nobody likes that.

5. Related info balance

easy email tips
And finally, remember that emails are a great way to inform your customer about the additional services or products. But it works only if your have a good hierarchy. Make sure the related info is in the footer of the email, which would let your customer focus first on what is important. Another good catch is making related blocks smaller that the main one, which gives a customer a clear idea on what the priority is.
As you see, making a good email is not so difficult. So go ahead and write some nice letters to your beloved customers.

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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