Email Marketing can be an extremely powerful tool for boosting sales if you use it wisely. With some help of SalesForce and a bunch of Statistic Agencies we picked up for 7 most surprising stats about email marketing and added some tips on how to make your email reach hearts and wallets of your customers in 2016.

1. Add Some Coupons

If you want your emails to work efficiently, give your customers some good reasons to open them. Spicing up your newsletter with some coupons and discounts is definitely a good way to show your appreciation and sell some more of your goods.

2. Add Social Buttons

Going social is a well know marketing trend.

Give your customers another chance to follow you in social networks by adding links to your emails. Footer will serve as a perfect place for this information.

3. Less is more

As you can see, title of the email is the place to show your art of brevity. Practice in creating short but catchy tag lines and see your open rate progress.

4. Go Personal

Many email marketing services often an option of adding a first name to the subject line. Of course first, you will have to do some data mining to get the names of all your scribers, so don’t forget to add a non-mandatory field ‘Name’ to your subscription form. If it was left blank, sometimes you can guess it from email itself.

5. Choose Time Wisely

As you see, there still can be something good in Mondays. Besides that, consider the Time Zone your target audience is in to get the best time for email delivery.

6. Try New Designs

With 2016 being the year of gifs, no wonder they are useful for emails as well. If gifs are not your style, think about adding some unique style to your emails to make them stand out from the crowd. But don’t forget to make your emails as light as possible, otherwise they will load forever and you will use your readers.

7. Be Mobile Friendly

Everybody now speaks about mobile.

Because mobiles tend to become everything for marketing. So before sending an email, make sure it looks good on the majority of smartphones, since there’s a huge probability, it will be opened with one of them. And you definitely want it to look good.

As you see these tips are easy to follow. With the help of them you will be able to squeeze maximum from your email marketing campaign. So good luck with that!

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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