We continue reading huge reports and whitepapers and delivering the best takeaways from them. This time we decided to cover cyber security trend, which has become a huge issue during the last couple of years. Let’s see what you can learn from The Global State of Information Security® Survey 2016 conducted by PWC.

We in Rubyroid Labs put great attention to cyber security, conduct a number of security tests and simply believe that every web service should make sure that the data it works with are thoroughly protected. Now it’s time to have a look what the rest of the world thinks about it.

Cyber Attacks are on the Rise

PWC Survey shows that the times when you could ignore cyber security have come to an end. According to the report, during the last year a number of attacks have increased by 38%, which is a lot.

The trend is true both for web-services and Internet of Things. Have a look how the amount of attacks on IoT devices and systems has changed in comparison to 2014.


No wonder that now many more company leaders treat cyber risks seriously and work hard to make sure they are protected. Here are the most popular security safeguards, selected by world leading companies.


As you see, currently there is a bunch of options available. Let’s see what frameworks are most popular and why.

Time to Set up Your Cyber Security Strategy

If you have read the part above attentively, you are probably already in a rush to set some kind of security framework for your company. If you are still in doubt, have a look at the main benefits of security frameworks according to world leaders.


As you see, frameworks seem to be a pretty useful thing. We’d even say it is a must-have for a company that respects it clients and cares about its image. But what strategy should I choose? Why not start from the most popular security initiatives. The majority can’t be wrong.


To give you a better helping hand, we will cover 3 most popular approaches.

Cloud-based Frameworks

Looks like today Cloud technologies and Cyber security are BFFs. No surprise here: during the last years cloud services owners were steadily investing in technologies, data and network security and what not.

All their experience works perfect for cloud-based cyber security services, which are chosen by 69% of PWC Survey respondents. And here are some reasons why the love it so much.


We think these are enough reasons for you to consider using cloud-based cyber security for your company.

Data-driven Cyber Security

As you probably already noticed, Cyber security follows all the main IT trends.

Big Data is not an exception here. At the moment Big Data is used by approximately 59% of leading companies. Here are the benefits they find in this method.


Big data gives a more detailed view on issues and let you trace reasons of your system insecurities. Combined with security information and event management (SIEM) it provides an extensive view on network activity and creates a great monitoring system for treating Cyber security seriously.

Advanced Authentication

One more area for improving your Cyber Security is introducing advanced authentication. Today everybody is so much used to having passwords all around, that it doesn’t even occur to their minds that insecurity might come from this side.

Advanced authentication is pretty easy to implement and it offers a serious boost to your security framework.


There are a number of ways to implement Advanced Authentication. Most popular ones are one-time passwords, hardware tokens or combination of both. Before investing in this type of protection you will have to reconsider management roles and security levels you need. But as a result you will be sure that the data within your company are thoroughly protected.


As you see, the world of Cyber Security solutions is full of live. We respect sensitive information of our clients and that is why keep high standarts of security in every project. And what do you think about Cyber Security and solutions? Share with us in the comments!

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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