If you do some routine work on a regular basis you definitely need to think about business automation. Learn how a lot of business owners reach impressive results with it.

Business processes automation is one of the biggest management trends today. We have already covered the research about it conducted by McKinsey & Company. Today we will focus on actual advantages that business automation can bring to your company.

The best thing about business automation is that it can be implemented in a vast range of business areas. Let’s have a look at top 5 reasons to introduce business automation.

1. Streamlined communication

Any business is about the communication. But the bigger the company is, the harder it is to organize all emails, meeting notes, sketches, etc. in one meaningful process with the required access levels. Business automation can help you with that by, firstly, making communication processes more transparent and, what is most important, by conducting some communication tasks itself, so that you and your employees won’t have to spend your time on ruthless routine.

2. More enjoyable customer management

Not everybody is fond of customer management. It requires robot nerves, immediate reaction and extremely high attention to details. Wait… wouldn’t machine be better to replace people on some stages of customer support. We believe so, this way we hardly recommend introducing business automation to your customer support system. This would make life of both you and your customers so much better.

3. Accountability enforced

If you transfer your processes to a system, you will have a specific person accountable for each step. This way, when everything is recorded, you will be able to track the actual progress of each task and see whether each of your employees are doing their best for the company. Increased accountability is good not only for monitoring but also for the whole process transparency. This makes it much easier to manage complicated situations.

4. Better control over processes

This point is much connected to the previous one. With business processes noted and automated, you will have much better control over the situation. You will not only be able to concentrate on what is most important but also will see weak points of your business better. This gives you a perfect overview of the situation and ability to notice serious issues on earlier stages.

5. Costs minimized

And finally the reason why you should definitely go for business automation – it will save you tons of money. Developing some software to automate the processes will not only allow you to hire fewer people but also will protect you from a number of manual mistakes. This way you won’t have to spend time and resources to correct them. You will be able to switch to more important tasks with minimum menial job distracting you from it.


As you see, there are plenty reasons to at least consider using business automation for your company. We, in Rubyroid Labs, will be glad to help you with it and make your ideas come true.

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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