Ruby on Rails Release 5.1.2.rc1 has just been published. Let’s have a look what improvements it has brought about.

Only recently we were talking with Aaron Patterson, a member of Ruby on Rails core Team.

And now we are welcoming the new release of Ruby on Rails technology. Though this version is pretty humble, it still brings about a number of stabilization fixes and a few nice amendments.

Action Pack

With the changes from Rails 5.1.2.rc1driven_by now can register poltergeist and capybara-webkit, which is really nice. it also allows setting additional options with the help of :options parameter.

Action View

This release offers a number of fixes for Action View. Now issues with scope and engine on current_page? method. Besides, now you will be able to generate field ids in collection_check_boxes and collection_radio_buttons.

Active Record

With the changes from this release you will be able to restore previous behavior of collection proxies. Besides, loading model schema from database is now thread-safe.

Here are some major changes from the release, full list can be found here.



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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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