FinTech industry is growing rapidly with every year. But in 2018 things promise to get really serious. Let’s have a look at 5 major trends in FinTech and learn what they mean for your business.

1. Startups have grown up

Historically the FinTech industry was associated with ambitious startups. And until lately it was the case. 2017 has brought large changes to the industry, which now has lost some if startup spirit and has moved to a bigger league.

In 2018 you can expect a pool of big players to appear on the market, which eventually leads to more resources & investments in the industry and its rapid growth. At the same time, existing financial institutions can’t, but go through a number of changes, which is confirmed by expectations from Global FinTech Report 2017 by PWC.

What it means for your business: Now you will be dealing with large vendors, which should make FinTech services more affordable and list of options to be suitable for different company sizes and business areas. You should get ready for changes in the finance industry and welcome technology changes in the industry.

2. Cryptocurrencies diversified

2017 has brought about plenty news about cryptocurrencies. With the success story of a bitcoin, many people have been inspired to launch their own cryptocurrencies. This way it is quite natural that in 2018 we can expect the market to get some diversification. It’s hard to say which of today’s newcomers will climb to the Olympus, but we can definitely expect a brighter picture in 2018 with more opportunities to appear for a wide range of industries.

What it means for your business: It means that you can consider more than one cryptocurrency option for your business. Of course, the future success of them greatly relies on how well they will manage to integrate as a payment option for other businesses. So make sure to trace which ones are accepted by large companies and follow the lead on the terms, which are comfortable for you.

3. Blockchain gets serious

Speaking of popular terms, in 2017 Blockchain has finally moved out of parent’s basement and started getting some serious attention.

In 2018 it doesn’t look like a fancy novice anymore but like a respectful partner. 77% of Global FinTech Survey respondents are going to adopt Blockchain by 2020, majorly in Payment and Fund Transfer infrastructure. It also will closely collaborate with banking sphere, so you can expect some security changes there as well.

What it means for your business: It means that people are going to protect data and finance in a different way now. Be ready for changes and consider introducing ones to your finance sensitive information.

4. FinTech collaboration increased

2018 will be the year if FinTech collaboration both with each other and with other markets. The most awaited area is payments. Next to it are fund transfers and personal finance. Then come banking operations and services, including personal loans and deposits, insurance and wealth management.

Besides, we can expect FinTech companies to collaborate and integrate with each other. This can be put to a steady transition from B2C to B2B business model and to the increased demand for technologies in the finance sector.

What it means for your business: Be sure to enjoy more options coming from the FinTech business. The adoption of technologies should become easier and the list & geography of the markets targeted should be bigger. So only good news for you!

5. Legislation improved

And, finally, with great power comes great responsibility, so one can expect the legislation that regulates to be updated as well. Specialists agree that in future new entities that regulate the operation of the FinTech operations should appear, so, on the one hand, this would add some structure to the market and on the other might lead to some limitations. The major pain points here are data privacy, digital IDs, and anti-money laundering policies.

What it means for your business: At the moment FinTech sector looks pretty tempting, but not very transparent. Besides, there is lack of regulations, which adds a random factor to the situation. With the inevitable growth of the sector and the issues it is dealing with, easy to understand rules will appear soon, which make the system even steadier.

As you see, 2018 will bring plenty of challenges and opportunities to the industry. And what do you think about FinTech perspectives? Share with us in the comments!

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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