Having an eCommerce store is like playing a rare musical instrument: it requires plenty of special skills and attention to every detail. If your online store is having its black days, it might the right time to reconsider your business strategy and look for the ways to give your shop a new start.

We have picked up for you top tips on how to help your eCommerce project to bring customers’ affection back.


1. Use the power of social media

If your store still doesn’t have its own Facebook or Twitter account, it’s the right time to create one. According to the forecasts, in 2016 Facebook will bring as many leads for online stores as Google feed does. Besides, social media marketing is great way to get through to the young generation of shoppers. Facebook and Twitter is a great place to promote discount coupons and support customer’s cases. Instagram can be great for showcasing your products and keep in touch with your customers.


2. Introduce modern UX

For a pretty long time plenty of online stores ignored UX as a purchase decision factor. In reality UX is a great tool not only for making a good first impression, but also for manipulating customer behavior in our shop. Make sure basket button is always available, any product can be reached in 3 clicks and your checkout is as short as possible.

Of course, there are many more things that are important for a good UX, but you need to at least make the first step.


3. Add some gamification techniques

Another good way to add some life (and traffic) to your store is to introduce some gamification techniques. This works especially good for increasing the amount of returning customers. There are many ways of how you can do that: build a spinning will with discounts, hide secret coupon codes on the pages of your store or let your customers to compete with each other for discounts in any other fun way. You can trust us: 10% discount earned with some effort will definitely end with a purchase.


4. Provide individual experience

With the development of marketing technologies, the bar of customer expectations sets higher and higher. If you want to catch the wave, don’t forget to make use of the account data that customers fill in. Make personalized emails and don’t forget to congratulate your customers on their birthdays and national holidays with a small discount attached.


5. Be mobile friendly

If keep an eye on eCommerce trends, you probably know that mobiles are the new desktops. In the next couple of years mobile and tablet sales are going to outnumber the amount of purchases made from desktop computers. This way it is a high time to develop a mobile app or at least a responsive version for your store. By the way, if you act fast, you will still be able to make use of our 9% discount on mobile development.


We hope out pieces of advice would help your store to develop in a new way and attract more customers.


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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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