Social Media is getting more powerful with every year. No wonder that plenty companies and marketing experts consider it to be a necessity for a Company to have a social account of its own. But are you using it correctly? Check some insights on social media marketing to make sure you are getting maximum from your SMM strategy.

Insight #1

SMM Stats
“So what about that?” – you might ask. See this as an opportunity to be better than your rivals and stand out among other branded social accounts. By showing attention and affection to you customers you will not only get noticed, but also win their hearts.

Insight #2

SMM Stats
Use this when building up your strategy. Make sure that you are looking for the right people in the right places. It is better to concentrate efforts on one or two social networks than split all your efforts to five or ten of those. Make sure your social media strategy is well thought off and you know what your aims are.

Insight #3

SMM Stats
Video content is winning the world. Video ads have become a common thing and auto-launching videos in Facebook only increased attention toward video clips. Youtube might be an invaluable platform for showing your goods from all sides, providing some tutorials or just making live user reviews for your products.

Insight #4

SMM Stats
You probably already know that in the modern world of eCommerce one should care about Generation Y.

So if your target audience includes young generation, make sure you have an Instagram account. You will see how great it is for showcasing your goods and keeping in touch with your audience.

Insight #5

SMM Stats
If you think that social media is only for youngsters, you are more than wrong. As practice shows, social networks work great for more than a half of B2B contracts. Remember that no matter what kind of business it is, decision is always taken by people, and social media is a great way to get through to them.

Insight #6

SMM Stats
Nothing can be better than active audience on social networks. If your audience loves to comment and share, make sure you give them enough opportunity to do that. Ask questions, do contests and generally put every effort to turn your social account into an online platform, where customers can share ideas with each other.

Insight #7

SMM Stats
And finally, don’t underestimate the power of ads and comments on social networks. People tend to trust real life reviews more than anything else. And if you will have some good reviews from real users on your social accounts, this would significantly increase the purchasing chances by your subscribers.

As you see Social Media has many surprising insights. Stay tuned to learn more!

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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