Marketing is a tricky thing, but luckily there are plenty small psychological triggers that can help you to make you marketing strategy work more efficiently. We gathered some of the easiest ones in one article and explained the methods they use to win your customers once and forever.

rule-1 Give-something-for-free technique has been known far before the era of Internet. But now in the digital era it works like never before. By offering something for free you not only put the grounds for friendship with your future customer, but also add some points to your positive image. Check how Netflix does that.
free By the way it is not only free subscription you can offer. It can be a free report, e-book, discount or even some of your merchandise. Just think it over and set aside some budget for it in your marketing strategy. Even if the customer won’t use it, he will admit your friendly tone and absence of greediness.
rule-2 This trick refers to the way you design your website. If you add any kind of ‘post-it’ note, letter or blackboard, make sure the font looks similar to hand writing. Basically, it says that if you add some graphics, make sure it looks real to life, then its credibility will increase significantly. According to statistics, 69% of customers trust written post it note, whereas blank one is trusted by 34% only.
rule-3 It is always good to add some spice to you the relationship with your clients. It is proved that adding countdown to the page of an offer significantly increases the sales. Let’s see how Groupon does that.
Even if there are still plenty days till the offer ends, customers realize that they are losing an opportunity, which adds some impulse to their decision. It can be not only countdowns, but also the amount of goods left in stock, which also works great.
rule-4 The modern generation is fully integrated in social networks. The amount of information they come through every day made all critics go down in value. So if you want to influence your customers now, it is better to employ some social proof. There are a number of ways you can do that: add some share buttons, feed reviews from Facebook accounts, work harder on you SMM.

This will let your customers trust you and see that reviews are real, which means credible.
rule-5 And now let’s talk about another acute question – pricing. This method is called “Goldilocks Technique”. By offering a few options the middle ones doesn’t seem that huge, but is still a reasonable choice. Have a look below at Shopify pricing grid.
compare This technique is based on the psychological tendency of people to make comparisons all the time. Put a few prices together and highlight the middle one, so it would be more obvious that this is the best decision. Showing that other websites ask more for the same service also works well, but you need to be very careful with the way you show it.

We hope with these tricks you will feel much better about your marketing strategy.

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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