Ruby Conference BY 2016 is over. It turned out to be a great event full of creative atmosphere, brilliant and witty speakers and great vibe of knowledge exchange. We decided to roll up some results of the conference and, of course, share some great photos from it. Get inside to be the first to know.

When we were only announcing Ruby Conference BY 2016 we already new it would be great.

It managed to gather plenty Ruby developers from all over the world, including USA, Japan, Belgium, Netherlands and others, both as speakers and listeners. The total amount of participants exceeded 200 people. Among the most featured lectures were the following:

  1. Steve Klabnik from Mozilla, USA about combining Rust and Ruby in the same project
  2. Jeremy Evans from USA about rodauth authentication framework for database security
  3. Koichi Masada from Heroku, Japan about MRI Internals

There were also great pre-party and after-party events, which met the level of the leading world conferences.
Among some interactive entertainment was the contest for the participants to make a photo with the name of a Ruby Gem and get as many likes as possible. The winners were the ones with HAML gem that is not used for a couple of years already. And some Team even managed to create Rubyconference gem. And by creating we mean not only making a photo, but also coding it and publishing at ruby Such effort deserved the special prize from the hosts of the conference.
Check some more funny moments in our photo digest. More photos can be found here.

Rubyroid Labs Team is happy to be one of the sponsors of the event. We are glad many developers managed to share their knowledge and collect some useful gems. The event was definitely a success, so see you at Ruby Conference BY 2017!

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.


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