Today data analysis is the corner stone of the modern marketing. It not only provides managers with the precious insights on how their business is going on, but also lays great grounds for adjusting marketing strategy.

Recently, Yandex has introduced ClickHouse – a powerful open-source column-oriented database management system. We try to use it in Rubyroid Labs, so we decided to tell you a bit more about it today.

What is ClickHouse?

ClickHouse is a tool developed by one of the world’s biggest search engines – Yandex. Yandex can boast of 2nd most popular analytics system called Yandex.Metrics. And ClickHouse was developed to support this analytics system in order to help managers get better grab on adjusting their marketing strategy.

Initially ClickHouse was supposed to be used for internal projects of the Company, but later Yandex realized how big the potential of it is and decided to share ClickHouse with the world. Within less than a month ClickHouse has gained great popularity. Let’s see what it is about.

What are its advantages?

ClickHouse is an extremely powerful database management system. Though currently there are plenty systems for big data analysis, it stands out from them, which make it worth it at least try it out. Here are the strongest points of it.

  1. Great scalability

You can’t imagine how powerful ClickHouse is. It can process dozen billions queries and petabytes of data stored. This not only means that it does quicker than the majority of competitors, but also that you can rely on it even in the most complicated cases.

  1. No data aggregation required

ClickHouse doesn’t require to be aggregated first. This way it can work directly with the raw data, making the process quicker and easier.

  1. Real-time processing

This advantage is closely connected with the previous one. Since no data preparation is required, ClickHouse can create reports in real-time, providing you with valuable information as early as possible.

  1. Open-source technology

ClickHouse was created as an open-source technology, which guarantees that it would have a long life of improvements. With ClickHouse you can be sure that it has mature technology and wouldn’t be left out like InfiniDB or MonetDB.

  1. It’s free

And finally the best part: using ClickHouse will cost you nothing, which means you don’t have to plan your budget for it and can start using it right now.

How can I start using ClickHouse?

Installing ClickHouse doesn’t require any special skills. Basically, it is out-of-box solution, which you will get used to after a couple of days. Check installation information here.


Have you already tried out ClickHouse? What do you think? Share with us in the comments.

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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