Today we’re going to share the case study about Evenzo – chat bot for event organizers, which was created completely by Rubyroid Labs Team from idea to actual code. Get inside to learn everything about it.

We decided that nobody can tell better about Evenzo than our “proud father” CEO Valentine Zavadskiy. So let him share the story.

About the problems Evenzo solves

From time to time I took part or organized myself all sorts of meetings and events.

That’s why at some point I accumulated enough experience to notice some problems, issues and gaps, with which event organizers face up with. All problems can be split into 2 groups.

Participant Problems

  1. Registration – small events in 90% of cases use Google Form for it or some special form on the website, which requires plenty info to be filled in, including Name, Surname, E-mail, Phone Number, etc.
  2. Sometimes email confirmation is not received or gets to SPAM-filter. Or in the case with Google Form one can’t double check whether he is registered or not.
  3. Promotion of some upcoming events is often lost among plenty other emails from various events.
  4. It’s hard to ask organizers some specific question.
  5. When you actually show up at the event, quite you have to wait long in a queue for your name to be found in the lists.
  6. It’s often that you might miss some important announcement about activities or program changes, just because you were not in the audience at that specific moment.
  7. Place for feedback is rarely provided.

Organizers Problems

  1. If the event doesn’t have its own form, one has to use non-flexible Google Forms, which is hard to manipulate.
  2. Sometimes the amount of people that want to come significantly exceeds audience capacity, so it’d be great to receive some confirmation from the participants.
  3. To manage email-subscriptions one has to download email lists, which is not very convenient.
  4. There’s no way to send an update right at the event to only those, who have actually shown up.
  5. It’d be great to receive some feedback about the event without using the email.
  6. To check tickets one has to use the high capacity of organizers resource, though it could have been solved with a simple phone and QR-code.

As you see, there are quite a number things to be improved in organizing events. That’s why we decided to introduce Evenzo.

What is Evenzo?

Evenzo is a tool designed to create unique for each event chat-bots that are supported by Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Viber, Slack.

These chat bots let you:

  1. Register participants
  2. Send reminders & updates
  3. Promote events
  4. Collect required information
  5. Receive attendance confirmations
  6. Get feedback
  7. Provide QR-codes and what not.

It is a great communication channel for both participants and organizers. Besides, it doesn’t require any additional apps to be installed.

How was Evenzo Developed?

All development was done using Ruby on Rails.

Besides, PostgreSQL, Redis, Sidekiq technologies were used. The peculiarity of the project is that we used multi-tenant app approach. It lets one group user data into different data bases, which is an additional guarantee for system Users.

Current Evenzo Experience

At the moment we have already organized 5 events with the help of Evenzo bots. Another 10 are expected to be launched before the New Year.
Besides, we are planning to create an advertising platform for event managers, where friendly companies could exchange information and promote each other events via their chat bots.

More ideas are coming, but we are glad that Evenzo is already helping plenty events to tune up their communication channel. And what do you think about it? Share your ideas with us in the comments.

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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