Launching a successful startup is like winning Olympic Games – you have to go through enormous amounts of hard work, stress and pressure. But unlike sports, it’s hard to find a suitable “trainer” or simply start working. Y Combinator has recently launched “Startup Playbook”. It might be important for you, so we want to share with you our favorite excerpts from it…

Who are Y Combinator and why should I trust them?

Y Combinator is one of the most prominent business incubators in the United States. They promote funding startups at early stages and twice a year select a list of projects that will be given $120k each. They enjoy great respect in the industry and definitely know a lot about inner workings of the start up world. So their point of view can definitely be trusted. Let’s have a look on what they are saying.

1. On Setting the Startup Goal


2. On Being Ambitious


3. About Founder Traits


4. About Users


5. On Success Metrics


6. About Unit Economics


7. About Focus


8. On Real Purpose of CEO


9. On What’s Most Important


We hope, these pieces of advice will be really useful for you. Besides, if you get down to bringing your start up to live, it might be worthy consider MVP thoroughly. If you still feel like you need more tips, have a look at Startup Playbook yourself, we are sure you will love it as much, as we do.

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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