If you have seen at least a dozen of our articles or projects, you probably know that we are nuts about Ruby on Rails. No wonder we cherish open source RoR apps so much. Check our personal Top-5 now!

1. Spree Commerce

Website: https://spreecommerce.com

Spree Commerce is the perfect fit for those, who want to launch an online store quickly. It works perfectly even for customers with a tight budget.

Top-5 Efficient Tools for Building Online Store on RoR

And a grand fleet of plugins it offers together with an inspiringly active community make Spree Commerce very pleasant to work with. The only major disadvantage it has is that Spree requires a pretty high technical level, so it might cause some troubles for junior developers.

We in Rubyroid Labs love this service with all our hearts and are actively using it for a bunch of our projects.

2. ComfortableMexicanSofa

Website: https://github.com/comfy/comfortable-mexican-sofa

ComfortableMexicanSofa or CMS for short is a pretty powerful CMS Engine for Ruby on Rails. It allows populating content quickly and without extra fuss. Besides, it supports 18 languages and is suitable for all sorts of websites.

We also love it template feature, which significantly speeds up the content management process. Rubyroid Labs Team highly recommends this tool for anybody, who is looking into ways to speed up the content population process.

3. Redmine

Website: http://www.redmine.org

Redmine is one of our favorite time-tracking apps.

5 Reasons Why We Love Redmine Time Tracking App

It has all it takes to establish efficient working processes: it fully customizable, has great progress tracking interface and even have a handy mobile app. To say nothing about great diagram tool, which gives you access to Gantt diagram and many others.

And finally, you can use Redmine for free, so why not give it a shot?

4. Errbit

Website: http://errbit.com

As you can probably guess from its name, Errbit is designed to catch errors. It is open source, self-hosted tool, which we are totally in love with.

Errbit will make your bonding on Ruby on Rails much more efficient.

4 Amazing Time Savers for Ruby on Rails Developers

It is compliant with Airbrake gem, which makes it even easier to use. So you if you were looking for a handy error catcher, don’t forget to have a look at Errbit.

5. Gitlab

Website: https://gitlab.com

And last but not the least – Gitlab. Gitlab is an open source Git repository manager accompanied by wiki and issue tracking functionality. It used worldwide by a wide range of companies from small ones to giants like IBM, Sony or NASA. Gitlab is a great addition to development processes: it allows unification planning, raising issues, testing, code review and deployment into one handy UI.

We in Rubyroid Labs use Gitlab for the majority of our projects and totally enjoy its functionality and community.

Hope you have found this list of tools useful. And what tools are you using?


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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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