Ruby Conf BY 2017 is over. Let’s recapture the main moments of this event and check out its results together.

Ruby Conf  BY is annual Ruby conference that takes place in Minsk, Belarus and gathers Ruby professionals and Ruby lovers from all over the world. It is the third time it took place and it is the third time Rubyroid Labs couldn’t miss a chance to support such a great initiative. Let’s have a look at recap of this year event from our CEO Valentine Zavadskiy.

“This year I can definitely say that the conference has reached a new level. It is the third time Ruby Conf BY takes place. This time all tickets were sold a week before the start of the conference, which meant a lot to us and made us as hosts even feel a little bit nervous.

But we had nothing to worry about. It all went grand. As a person, who has organized and attended a great lot of events (just have a look at how many conference badges I have), I can definitely say, Ruby Conf BY 2017 is Top 1 in my heart.

Quality of the lectures, which all were in English this year, Aaron Patterson’s jokes from the scene, Charles Nutter saying that jRuby is 4 times faster than MRI and of course an afterparty, where half of of the participants networked, sang karaoke till 2 am – all it was just awesome.

I was deeply inspired by the conference to hold even bigger amount of great eventsfor our Minsk community. And not only me. I know for sure that one of the participants came back home to another city and revived Ruby community there. Ruby Conf BY 2017 was great and I’m sure, next one will be even better.”

All video materials from the event are now available here. And an exclusive audio interview with Aaron Patterson is available here.

And now let’s see with our own eyes, how it all went:

Follow the news to learn more about the upcoming materials and events!



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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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