We are happy to announce that together with the Hexlet platform, we are launching an online Ruby on Rails course. 

Hexlet interviewed CEO of Rubyroid Labs – Valentine Zavadsky and asked questions regarding the RoR course, education, and fun in programming. 

Rubyroid Labs has been engaged in education for a long time – originally offline. 

Annually, Rubyroid Labs founders together with the University of Informatics and Radioelectronics organized offline RoR courses since 2013. These Ruby on Rails courses and lectures are also available on our Youtube channel for free. We have already run over 23 successful educational offline events and the number of attendees has at times exceeded 1,300. 

In the summer of 2020, our CEO Valentine Zavadsky wrote to the guys from Hexlet and offered to create an online Ruby on Rails course. 

After a long discussion, they concluded that they will create an intensive, do it once – and look at the reaction and the scaling potentialities.

The RoR course consists of two parts: theoretical – two lectures per week, and practical – pair programming, writing of algorithms, etc. Lectures and practice will be held in Russian, the course is available worldwide.

Top practicing experts from Rubyroid Labs will share their knowledge and experience every week for three months: 

-Language Basics and the Ruby Ecosystem
-OOP in Ruby and Metaprogramming
-Testing in Ruby
-Ruby Web Development
-Working with databases with ActiveRecord
-Basics with Rails / Routes and Controllers
-Overview of Views / Forms / Mailers in Ruby on Rails
-Rails application as an API: overview, approaches and tools
-ActiveJob / ActiveStorage / ActionText overview
-Assets Pipeline / Webpacker overview
-Review of popular libraries for Ruby on Rails
-Deploying Ruby on Rails Applications on a Server from Scratch
-Deploying Ruby on Rails Applications with Docker

As a result, you’ll learn how to write with Ruby on Rails and be ready for real commercial projects.

More information about the course and its training program you can find here.

As you see, we choose the initiative and are passionate to share knowledge and expertise about our favorite coding language with everybody. Stay tuned!

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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