We live in a rapidly changing world. Several months ago messenger bots topic was a taboo. But right now most of the messaging platforms like Facebook or Telegram already have bots in their ecosystem or planning to have them. Surprising, right?
2010s have finally proved that UX influences your marketing results not less than price strategy or advertising campaign. Apple breakthrough and success to a great extent relies on high usability. But following general UX trends not always works well for you. In this article we will cover some UX tendencies of mobile applications that popular though ineffective. Get inside to learn more.
We keep telling you how web scraping can make your life a little better place. In part 1 you could learn what are the legal issues regarding it are nothing but…
Web-scraping is a quite popular technique used in marketing, content analysis and plenty other purposes. We are often asked about it, so we decided to start a series of articles…
Everybody knows that making someone fall in love with is not a piece of cake. And when it gets down to making customers fall in love with your business, things can become really tough. We have gathered 5 statistically proved tips that will help you to win your customers’ hearts once and forever.
Many Developers and Field Specialists agree that web-components are the future of web-development. Today, when each day required for development influences market greatly, the pace of innovation race is higher than ever. And using web-components lets one win some time in this race.
When it gets down to marketing, there are no trivial things. If you are making a landing page for your ad campaign or brand promotion, it is important to take care of everything including colours. Check inside some surprising facts and psychological tricks that will help you to succeed.
Ember.js is a quite popular framework used for creating all sorts of web applications. The main advantage is that it lets creating pretty complex solution very quickly, which can’t but win hearts of plenty big and small IT companies. We gathered some most common mistakes Ember Beginners make to share some knowledge and help you to master this framework easier.
Hey, it looks like it has been a long time since you saw our faces, so we decided to share with some great photo report from Rubyroid Labs International Men’s and Women’s Day Party. It is a common tradition here in Belarus to celebrate Men’s and Women’s Day and we know how to celebrate it like no other. So get inside to check some great photos.
Marketing is a tricky thing, but luckily there are plenty small psychological triggers that can help you to make you marketing strategy work more efficiently. We gathered some of the easiest ones in one article and explained the methods they use to win your customers once and forever.