Today, when everybody is so much focused on efficiency, we also decided to step in and show what tools, hacks and apps we use to make the working process at Rubyroid Labs nice and smooth. Get inside to find something useful for yourself.

So here is the list of 7 things that we find most important for an efficient work process. Some of them are well known, others are quite rare to hear about, but we are sure: if you follow them all, your efficiency will skyrocket.

Ingredient 1. Communication

Good communication is a key to all sorts of success, and gaining some efficiency is not an exception. Here in Rubyroid Labs we make sure that we are not merely co-workers, but also good friends. Regular corporate parties and conferences help us to fell the bond.

Besides, we aim to make friends with the clients we have. Good communication here will help to understand their problems and desires better and simply have more fun.

To make communication more efficient we use quite well known, still very helpful messengers, including:

  1. Skype,
  2. Telegram,
  3. Hangouts,
  4. Slack


The combination of them and a bunch of chats devoted to a specific project or business role let us stay focused and be available for contact 24/7.

Ingredient 2. Visual Tools

As we all know, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. This works for software development as well. We use a few visual editors to make sure both client and developers have similar understanding of the project being created.

  1. InVision – very powerful tool, works best for commenting design and HTML-slicing options.
  2. Gliffy – extremely valuable tool for creating schemes and graphs.
  3. Skitch – light-weight app by Evernote for leaving short notes on the screenshots
  4. Moqups – small, but handy tool for quick wireframing.

skitchAs you see, these three tools will give you everything you need for delivering you idea to anybody you want.

Ingredient 3. Time Tracking

Time Tracking is another basic thing one needs for an efficient work. Personally we love using Redmine, which can boast of plenty functions, free license and friendly design. We have already covered it in a separate article.


We also provide our customers with a unique link to their project in Redmine, so that they could track the progress there.

Ingredient 4. Quick Internet Connection

Another important ingredient is good Internet connection. So our office provides connection of 50 mbit/s. Besides, we make sure the connection is secured, so that even if there are any network issues, we still have access.

Ingredient 5. Centered office

All of our developers work from Headquaters. This way the communication between the Team is improved.

rubyroid labs team

Above that, working from one centered office provides managers with a better control over situation and helps to save time on meetings and information handover.

Ingredient 6. Good Music

One more secret ingredient of Rubyroid Labs Team is listening to good music. We enjoy such services as iTunes, Yandex Music, SoundCloud.


Good music not only reduces stress, but also helps to concentrate, when working in the office. To say nothing about how much power ‘Eye of a Tiger’ by Survivor gives you, when fixing bugs.

Ingredient 7. Coffee

And the only liquid ingredient here is coffee. We can’t tell you for sure, how much coffee is drunk per month in the walls of Rubyroid Labs office. But we are quite sure that it can be compared to a kid’s swimming pool. coffeeAll this gives us tons of energy to be productive and efficient as never.

Here are 7 ingredients we use for our success recipe of gaining maximum efficiency. And what are yours? Share them in the comments.

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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