Server upgrade and migration sounds something that totally belongs to the tech world and has nothing to do with your business strategy. In fact, it does. Moreover, ignoring server issues and not solving them timely might put your entire software project at risk. Ruby on Rails can solve the majority of problems here. We picked up 3 main reasons why you should consider it for your server migration.

1. Regular updates provide high security

One of the main reasons to choose Rails for server migration is that it is an Open Source technology, which is extremely popular now (and it hasn’t even come in its full power). It means that thousands of people from any corner of the world work hard to make it even better and more powerful.

This also means that it patched regularly, which, in simple words, means that any security issues are fixed really quickly. With such great attention put at the technology, you can be sure that you will always have latest and securest version. And, basically, this is the only thing you are looking for here.


2. Rails is on rise among specialists

What is the use of selecting a great technology, if you can’t find specialists, who can work with it. Luckily, this is not the case with Ruby on Rails. There are many reasons why more and more tech specialists select it.

But what should be important for you as a business owner is that you won’t have troubles with finding someone to work with you servers. So in case you need more specialists, who can work with Ruby on Rails, just give a whistle.


3. Plenty great hosting services use Rails

Though Amazon AWS is still the most popular server company, you should know that there are still a couple big players at the table. Most prominent among them are Heroku and Engine Yard.

They not only work on Ruby on Rails, but also have an attractive ‘Platform as a Service’ approach. The essence of it is to provide a handy infrastructure for easy server management. Good UI and complex commands will make management process more transparent and simply more enjoyable. Of course, you will still need a specialist to work with them, but the whole experience will be more user-friendly.


As you see, there are quite a number of reasons to consider using Ruby on Rails technology for servers. If you still have any doubts or are looking for specialists, who will give you a helping hand with it, we are always here for you.

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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