Rubyroid Labs Summer Party is the thing that our developers are waiting for the whole year (or at least for half a year, if to take Winter Party into consideration). This is a great team building event, which lets us not only feel the spirit of Rubyroid Labs Family, but also restore our energy for future work. Want to know how epic Rubyroid Summer Party 2016 was? Get inside!

This time we decided to go for a water journey. It all started on a Friday evening, when we gathered at the office and drove to Vileskoe Reservoir. The first night we decided spent on an island. It was pretty great, but the best part was yet to come.

In the morning we decided to continue our journey and move to another place. To get there we had to build special rafts with our own hands, which definitely added some spice to the trip. Check how managed to do this in 40 seconds (actually, it took more, but don’t tell anyone).

We did pretty good job and were awarded with extremely picturesque and exciting view.

The next 2 nights we spent swimming, playing guitar and generally enjoying the company of our colleagues. The nights included sleeping in camping tents and singing next to bonfire.

Rubyroid Labs Summer Party 2016 was a great chance to get out of the office and spend some time with each other. We definitely enjoyed the team spirit and got closer to each other. To be frank, all our parties are pretty awesome.

We are sure, next party will be even more epic!

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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