Though outsourcing today is one of the most popular and efficient ways to manage your staff, there are still a number of myths and misconceptions around it. We have decided to bust some of them and show you what outsourcing is all about.

With every year remote work is becoming more and more popular. According to Gallup research in 2015, more than every third American employee works remotely. Nevertheless, every discussion of pros and cons of outsourcing is still full of misconceptions. We have gathered Top-7 myths about inconveniences of the remote work, which are typical of both employers and employees. Let’s do away with stereotypes once and forever.

Myth 1. Outsourcing means no contact

The main fear any entrepreneur has is that he won’t be able to manage the Team he hired. It’s especially true for remote teams. Instead of imagining that you won’t able to reach and everybody will ignore your calls and emails, it is better to direct this energy to select a vendor you can trust.

In fact, since communication is so important for remote teams, they tend to put more effort in answering you in messengers, comments and emails. Many Teams even have a special manager, who you can contact to get any update directly. So if you are lucky with choosing the right outsourcing vendor, contact wouldn’t be an issue.

Myth 2. Outsourcing meetings suck

We won’t lie to you: if you have a split Team, which works from different parts of the world, at first, meetings might require a bit effort. But in fact, it doesn’t look as bad as you imagine it. All you need is select the right software, guarantee good Internet connection and make yourself a bit more organized.

An experienced outsourcing company will handle all these processes for you, so again, no need to worry about it too much.

Myth 3. Remote more is more expensive

Other employers are afraid that having an external Team will cost them more than a local one. But in fact, the practice shows that the situation is vice versa. With going for outsourcing you not only have access to a wider choice of vendors, which implies wider price gap, but also significantly reduce overhead costs.

You won’t have to rent and supply the office, provide furniture and devices and maintain it all. Outsourcing will especially cost-efficient for companies located in big cities, where only rent is sky high.

Myth 4. Your security is in danger

Another common myth is that if you have a remote Team, your data and ideas are in danger. We’d like to tell you that this depends not on whether your Team is remote or not, but on what people you decide to work with. Though nobody is protected from fraud, it is in no way connected with outsourcing or in-office Team format.

Besides, by adding NDA agreement to your contract, you will protect yourself and your data from any danger of this kind.

Myth 5. Outsourcing means availability 24/7

Though outsourcing has been on the market for a while, there are still many employers, who think, that hiring a remote team means it will be available 24/7. Unless you clearly specified this in agreement, this is not true. One should understand that they are same people as you, this way their working hours with hight probability will be same 8 hours a day.

So if  you expect 24/7 service, it is better to speak it out loud directly or lower your expectation a little bit.

Myth 6. Outsourcing implies low efficiency

It’s easy to get into a trap that remote workers are lazy and will simply ask you for money, without doing anything useful. Harvard Business Study shows, that in fact remote work increases efficiency by 13,5%.

There are a number of reasons for that: employees feel more responsibility, work in the atmosphere, which more comfortable for them and simply have no more excuses to count the time they are distracted by something as a working one.

Myth 7. You will regret it

The majority of those, who are against outsourcing, have probably never done it or at least haven’t found a trustworthy vendor.

If you choose an experienced company with good technical knowledge and work ethic, you will only enjoy all the perks of having a remote team, including lower costs, bigger choice of professionals and higher efficiency.

As you see, outsourcing is not so bad. We hope that this article helped you.

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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