Save time and boost your skills with this bundle of articles proven by Ruby community.

1. 19 Ruby on Rails Gems which Can Amaze

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We have picked up 19 Ruby on Rails gems that are simply the best. They solve all sorts of issues, speed up working process and simply make your working desk a better place. If you are serious about coding on Ruby, skimming through this article is a must. ( 8500+ views )

2. 7 Gems Which Will Make Your Rails Code Look Awesome

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Keeping code style consistent is important for many reasons: it speeds up onboarding of a new developer, helps to avoid trivial mistakes and eases up your life on long-term projects. Since there are very few developers, who are truly enthusiastic about maintaining codes style manually, we recommend making use of some of the Ruby on Rails gems from this article. ( 6000+ views )

3. 5+1 Ruby Gems Which Can Cause You Troubles

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Not all Ruby gems are equally good for you project. There are some that you better stay away from. Check the list and avoid any possible troubles with you Ruby on Rails code in future. ( 4000+ views )


4. Rubyroid Labs Hacks: How We Interview Ruby on Rails Developers

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A good man is hard to find. In this article, we unveil the list of questions to ask Ruby on Rails developer at a job interview. This information is great for both reviewing you HR technique and getting prepared for a job interview. ( 4000+ views )


5. 5 Capistrano Tools You Didn’t Know About!

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Capistrano is a service used for deploying a project without any troubles. By using some of these Capistrano tools you can make the process even simpler and smoother, so if you are into Capistrano, don’t forget to have a look. ( 3500+ views )


6. INTERVIEW: Aaron Patterson, Rack, Github and BBQ

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Aaron Patterson is our favorite person in Ruby industry. We had a chance to meet him at Ruby Conf 2017 to chat about future of Ruby, development industry, Github and plenty other things. ( 3000+ views )

7. How to Clear Out Your Controllers and Models with Waterfall Gem

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Waterfall gem is a real savior when it comes down to fat models and large actions. It is easy to use and the result is impressive. So if you are looking for a way to clear out your controllers and models, this is definitely a great read for you. ( 2500+ views )

8. 4 Amazing Time Savers for Ruby on Rails Developers

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Coding on Ruby on Rails is a great pleasure, but sometimes it can be really monotonous and blunt. For such cases, there are some special gems that automate part of the process and help you to focus on what’s really important. Try them out to see whether they fit your development process. ( 1000+ views )

9. Ultimate Guide on How to Write Smoke Tests for Ember + Rails Stack

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A smoke test is an essential part of any long-term development. In this article, you will find a very detailed guide on how to do it best for Ember Rails Stack. ( 800+ views )


We do hope you have found something nice for you among these articles. More to come! Stay tuned!


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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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