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News about Rubyoid Labs and Ruby on Rails

Hackaton is a great chance to show your ideas to the world and gain some sunshine and glory. Ruby Rampage Hackaton, which took place October 22-23, 2016 is one of the biggest Ruby events of its type, so no wonder it gathered best Ruby projects from all over the world. Let’s have a look at the top-5 most promising ones, who knows, maybe in a few months everybody will be talking about them.

Sinatra is a well-known open source framework written in Ruby. It is one of the main alternatives to Ruby on Rails and it is finally ready to introduce to the public the long-awaited pre-release of version 2.0. Let’s have a look at what they have prepared for us.

Rubyroid Labs Summer Party is the thing that our developers are waiting for the whole year (or at least for half a year, if to take Winter Party into consideration). This is a great team building event, which lets us not only feel the spirit of Rubyroid Labs Family, but also restore our energy for future work. Want to know how epic Rubyroid Summer Party 2016 was? Get inside!