Great news here! At the latest conference it was announced that Ruby 3 will be three times faster! Let’s have a look what it means for Ruby developers and the whole industry.
Since the very release of Angular 2 beta-version, the community has split into two camps: those who are for and against the new version. We have gathered the ideas from both sides of the barricades to figure out the main pros and cons of Angular 2.
Developing a successful Ruby on Rails project is closely connected with all sorts of environments: development, testing, staging and production. But how can I create them? Check our guide for Ruby on Rails environments.
Sinatra is a well-known open source framework written in Ruby. It is one of the main alternatives to Ruby on Rails and it is finally ready to introduce to the public the long-awaited pre-release of version 2.0. Let’s have a look at what they have prepared for us.
Server upgrade and migration sounds something that totally belongs to the tech world and has nothing to do with your business strategy. In fact, it does. Moreover, ignoring server issues and not solving them timely might put your entire software project at risk. Ruby on Rails can solve the majority of problems here. We picked up 3 main reasons why you should consider it for your server migration.
Ruby Refinements is a pretty new feature, introduced with Ruby 2.0.0. We decided to get into detail and tell you more about when and how to use it for your Ruby projects. Be the first to know!
Refactoring your code is no less important than writing the code itself. And writing on Ruby on Rails is no exception here, though you can face some additional challenges here. Today we will cover how to refactor it right, if you use Ruby on Rails for your project.
Today data analysis is the corner stone of the modern marketing. It not only provides managers with the precious insights on how their business is going on, but also lays great grounds for adjusting marketing strategy.
Recently, Yandex has introduced ClickHouse – a powerful open-source column-oriented database management system. We try to use it in Rubyroid Labs, so we decided to tell you a bit more about it today.
We decided that it is a good idea to share with you some secret recipes of Rubyroid Labs kitchen and shade some light on what apps we use to make our work more efficient. This time we are ready to introduce to you Redmine Time Tracking App, which we use for managing the majority of our T&M projects. Why we and our clients love it so much? Get inside to learn first.
One of the main bitter truths every developer should learn sooner or later is that no matter how good is the code you have written, the day will come and you will have to change it. This happens majorly not because of developer skills, but to specifics of this job. World is changing, so requirements do. Introducing changes to the code is closely connected with refactoring. Today we will learn how to do it right.