Having a Project Manager is of vital importance for any successful IT business. Let’s look into the topic and figure out the main touch points for this Team role.

Developing an IT product is like building a house. And if you ever tried building a house or at least renovating one, you probably know that no house can be built without proper management.

Project Manager in IT company is the person who makes all engines work together, facilitates the issues and takes control over the whole development. So here are 5 reasons, why you should consider hiring a Project Manager for your business right now.

1. Single information point

There are many ways in which your company can benefit from having a Project Manager, but one of the main ones is that with adding such a person on board you provide yourself with a single point of information for both sides: Team and Stakeholders. This way you can make sure that no info is lost and all participants in the process know what they are doing, why they are doing it and when it should be ready.

This simplifies the whole business process a lot, which saves the project a lot of nerves and money and helps to keep everything up to date and under control, which is definitely a big win.

2. Time & Risk Management

Another superpower of a Project Manager is to control time in a non-dork way. PM is the one, who takes control over the development pipeline and makes sure to remove all hurdles from its way. He’s the main person to control the delivery dates and update them in accordance with the scope changes.

Besides, extended experience of a good Project Manager allows him managing not only deadlines but also risks efficiently. He knows for sure in which situations things can go wrong and assigns risks accordingly.

This way with having a Project Manager your chances to hit the deadline with losing all nerve endings is a few times lower.

3. Progress Focus and Reporting

Project Manager not only looks into the delivery date but also provides both Team and stakeholders with a progress update. He helps the project to keep the focus on what is important and prioritize features accordingly.

Having a Project Manager makes the whole process much more transparent and provides you with important insight right in the way. Besides, if any issues arise, he is the best person to look into the situation and provide you with timely updates on the issues being solved.

4. Cost Control

One more thing that makes a Project Manager an inseparable part of your Team is that they perform whole cost control for you. This routine is very time-consuming, yet very important. Project Manager is in charge of keeping track of all scope creeps, change requests and scope changes. Besides, he manages the estimates and works closely with all billing information.

So if you want bookkeeping for your project to be clean and in place, you have to add a Project Manager to the Team or be doomed to do it all yourself.

5. Leadership & Team Management

And finally, Project Manger is the heart of any Team. He not only takes a leadership role in terms of assigning people to the project, he makes sure people fit each other and make a good Team. Project Manager keeps the Team motivated and simply puts the spirit up.

Besides, PM is in charge of onboarding new members, handling vacations and sick least and having the Team balanced and encouraged for productive work.


As you see, there are some many ways in which a Project Manager is important to the success of a Product. So we highly recommend adding such a role to your Team.

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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