Study by SourcingFocus says 28% of 1,000 respondents noted bad communication as the top reason for the failure of outsourced projects. Let’s see, how to make your communication work just right.
Interview with Aaron Patterson, one of the most respected and appreciated developers in Ruby world.
Ruby Conf BY 2017 is over. Let’s recapture the main moments of this event and check out its results together.
Recently Ruby on Rails 5.1 has been introduced. Let’s have a look what new features it has to offer to all Rails fans.
Ruby on Rails is great for its gems. We have picked up our favorites to share them with you. Check out 19 Ruby gems that amaze us inside.
Development outsourcing can be a key to solving many problems. At the same time, it also bears some challenges for both entrepreneurs and suppliers. Check out 21 questions you should ask yourself to get ready for an outsourcing Project.
Ruby Conf BY 2017 is happening this weekend. To spice things up and get ready for the event, we suggest you joining the game organized specifically for Conference participants.
Outsourcing expands your possibilities in software development to unseen horizons, but at the same time, it has some traps you’d better avoid. Let’s figure out how to handle them like a pro.
Ruby Conf BY is almost there! And tickets are already on sale. Get inside to learn why you cannot miss an event like this!
Late winter and early spring are closely associated in Belarus with 2 pretty important holidays – International Men’s and Women’s Days. This is the time to cherish the other part and celebrate it all with flowers, gifts, and some tasty things. Check out the photo report on how Rubyroid Labs Team rocked it all.