Your project may have a great mission and solve real people’s problems, but without modern digital tools, it risks becoming just another good idea lost in the noise. The tech…
These days, businesses are constantly thinking about how to use the ChatGPT API to the best of their (and its) ability. The capabilities of the ChatGPT API are extensive. It…
Artificial Intelligence is a very complex, yet a very rapidly developing technology. Let’s have a look at some predictions and insights in it to see how it will affect the industry and our lives in future.
FinTech industry is growing rapidly with every year. But in 2018 things promise to get really serious. Let’s have a look at 5 major trends in FinTech and learn what they mean for your business.
Modern real estate industry is changing rapidly. Let’s have a look at main trends and how they will affect everything around you by 2020.
Working on your marketing strategy is important to stay on top. Learn some tips from Rubyroid Lab’s clients on how they grow their business.
Traveling industry is as old as the world. But even an old dog can learn new tricks. Stay up-to-date with game-changing insights into major trends of Digital Travel Industry 2017.
Study by SourcingFocus says 28% of 1,000 respondents noted bad communication as the top reason for the failure of outsourced projects. Let’s see, how to make your communication work just right.
Development outsourcing can be a key to solving many problems. At the same time, it also bears some challenges for both entrepreneurs and suppliers. Check out 21 questions you should ask yourself to get ready for an outsourcing Project.
Outsourcing expands your possibilities in software development to unseen horizons, but at the same time, it has some traps you’d better avoid. Let’s figure out how to handle them like a pro.