2015 was undoubtedly a great year for Rubyroid Labs Team. We have gathered all the best events of this year in 1 fancy infographics. Share the memories about this year with us and get ready for 2016, which is going to be even better!

Results 2015

Here come Top-8 big things that happened to us in 2015:

  1. Team Growth – we are 25 now and are really happy about that
  2. New Office – now you can find us in the heart of Minsk
  3. Internal Meet-ups – we’ve had 50+ meet-ups, results of which you can find in our technical articles
  4. Team Building – we went kayaking and organized a laser tag party to say noting about plenty other minor events
  5. Conferences – we sponsored 3 big development conferences. High Load Dev Conference is one of them
  6. Ruby on Rails courses – this year courses were visited by 350+ students
  7. New web projects – we have completed 15+ new web-projects. Check results of some of them: Presli.by, Volition
  8. Mobile and Apple TV – we started development for mobile and Apple TV and already completed 8 big projects (check I hate bears for example). Another 4 are on the way

We hope 2016 will bring even more great achievements and happy emotions!

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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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