New Year’s Eve is not only a great time to get together with your family and enjoy the happiest times of your life, it is also a great chance to look back and to say thank you to everyone who has been with you during the year passed. We’d like to congratulate every out of more than 50,000 readers of our blog with Christmas and New Year and say thank you that you have spent 2017 with us. And to show our gratitude we are glad to share with you a rating of Top 10 Ruby on Rails articles you loved the most in 2017!

10. Ultimate Guide on How to Write Smoke Tests for Ember + Rails Stack

This article will teach you why writing Smoke tests are important and why you should definitely consider using it for your project. Besides, here you will learn some magic tricks on making the process as efficient as possible and providing continuous integration everybody loves so much talking about.

9. How to choose between AWS and Heroku?

Both Heroku and Amazon are well known big players in terms of hosting. They have a lot in common, yet their approaches differ one from another, which makes the choice even harder. This article contains a detailed comparison organized in a neat scheme, so it will be easy for you to get an overview of both services in just a few minutes.

8. How Using Flowcharts will Help You to Improve Your Business Processes

This ROR article will share with you real-to-life examples of how to model your business processes with flowcharts, introduce to you different type of them and provide a detailed instruction on how to implement flowcharts into your business. If you are looking for ways to share or document your software logic, this is a great article to read.

7. Open Source RoR Apps to Make Your Development Easier

Enjoy the list of the best open source Ruby on Rails gems, we love and use in Rubyroid Labs Team, They fit all sorts of needs including eCommerce, Content Management System, Git Repository Tool and some others.

6. Angular and React compared. Who wins?

Knowing the difference between AngularJS and React and understanding advantages of each of those is the important basic need of any frontend developer. This article puts together anything you need to know to make a conscious decision for your solution and learning all the basics once and for all.

5. How to Clear Out Your Controllers and Models with Waterfall Gem

Clearing out Controllers and Models is an important issue for any Ruby on Rails developer. Luckily you can use Waterfall Gem for that. Learn how to use it right and what options it offers to you.

4. INTERVIEW: Aaron Patterson, Rack, Github and BBQ

2017 has been a great year for many reasons. One of them is that we managed to meet Aaron Patterson in flesh and blood and even recorded an interview with him. Check out our interview with one of the greatest Ruby and Ruby on Rails core Team to learn about RoR future, some kitchen secrets and the way Ruby on Rails is developed.

3. 5+1 Ruby Gems Which Can Cause You Troubles

Not all Ruby on Rails gems are equally good for you. There are still some that you’d better stay away from. We shared with you a “No Go” list we have on our Team and explained what issues these dangerous gems can bring about. Make sure you are not using any of those.

2. 7 Gems Which Will Make Your Rails Code Look Awesome

Code style not only makes OCD people happy but also makes onboarding, project scaling and troubleshooting much more efficient. We have picked up a list of gems that will do a great deal of work for you and will definitely let you take all the glory for having a great code style.

1. 19 Ruby on Rails Gems which Can Amaze

And finally, the most popular article of the year was the list of Ruby on Rails gems that our Team loves with all their hearts. You will definitely find something useful for your project among these 19 gems, so make sure to have a look at this article.

We are sure that 2018 will bring even more great events and great articles. Stay tuned not to miss anything!


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Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

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