Marketing is a tricky thing, but luckily there are plenty small psychological triggers that can help you to make you marketing strategy work more efficiently. We gathered some of the easiest ones in one article and explained the methods they use to win your customers once and forever.
Social Media is getting more powerful with every year. No wonder that plenty companies and marketing experts consider it to be a necessity for a Company to have a social account of its own. But are you using it correctly? Check some insights on social media marketing to make sure you are getting maximum from your SMM strategy.
Sometimes statistics can do magic and reveal facts that nobody thought could be true. We checked a bunch of marketing reports and picked up for 5 great surprising marketing facts that you can start using for your business immediately. Get inside to check some juicy statistics facts.
Email Marketing can be an extremely powerful tool for boosting sales if you use it wisely. With some help of SalesForce and a bunch of Statistic Agencies we picked up for 7 most surprising stats about email marketing and added some tips on how to make your email reach hearts and wallets of your customers in 2016.
Rubyroid Labs Team is ready to share with you another project we are proud of – Mobile App Navitech Family. Cooperation with Navitech Company was extremely productive, the problems we needed to solve required some creative thinking, but the result was worth. Check this article to learn how to create a great Family Care App in our new case study.
2015 has been a great year for Mobile. And 2016 already shows that Mobile Apps has only started taking their dominant position in eCommerce. We have gathered Top-5 trends that any owner or creator of a mobile app should keep an eye on in 2016 to catch the money wave.
In Rubyroid Labs we tend to use Agile methodologies. Many of our clients ask us about that, so we decided to write an article, in which we explain why we love Agile so much. So if you are still not in love with Agile, hurry up to read our new post!
Having a responsive mobile version is a matter of good tone today. When mobile eCommerce is taking 63% of all purchases and this figure is increasing with every year, one…
Technology is changing our life a lot. Recently KPCB has published a report, which explains how significantly things have changed during the last ten years. We’ve checked this report for you and are ready to show you in figures and examples how mobilification has become the main game-changer on the market.
Time is money, and for development, this saying is true like for nothing else. Firebase is a new service that might significantly help in developing apps for web and mobile. Rubyroid Labs Team has checked this service to learn whether it is as good as they say about it. See details inside.