
Daria Stolyar - Page 19

Daria Stolyar is a Marketing Manager at Rubyroid Labs. You can follow her at Linkedin.

Gamification is a great way to add some entertaining vibe to your website. Beside, it creates a great chance for you to build returning customers audience around what you sell. Hope, this is enough for you to consider adding some Gamification tricks to your website or at least read this article.

Rubyroid Labs has become the official partner of HighLoad Dev Conf 2015 that will take place in Minsk October 17, 2015. This is the second time such conference takes part in Minsk and this time it’s going to gather more than 400 participants from more than 28 cities and 15 lecturers from 7 countries. Check more details inside.

Protagoras once said: ‘The man is the measure of all things’. Even though a lot time has passed since the era of Greek sophists, today this saying is true like never before. We have officially entered in the era of ‘Internet of Me’. This trend has already influenced main Internet Marketing technologies and even more changes are yet to come. We have picked up for you main facts on ‘Internet of Me’ and ways to use this for the better life of your online store or project.

Generation Y is a term that is used to name the kids born in late 90s early 00s. Today millenials have come in their teen years with more choice freedom and more pocket money. In the first 2 quarters of 2015 Generation Y shoppers have amounted to 31% of all online buyers. We have looked into this phenomenon and found a few keys to Generation Y heart.

We are busy sometimes and have no time for tracking all the hot news. Rubyroid Labs Team have carefully read all the tech newsfeeds of the last 2 weeks and have picked up the most influential and important pieces of news for you. Please enjoy our Top IT news September 1 – September 14.

Modern IT Market is like a live organism: it grows up and becomes more sophisticated with every year. Tracing main market trends helps one to make sure their IT project is on the right way of development. Besides, it is a great chance to learn how one can achieve even better marketing results. No matter whether you own a small online store or a complex IT solution, this article will be useful to you.