Improving real estate analytical app
- Brand identity
- UX/UI design
- Web development

Layer Cake is a B2B iOS real estate data accumulation app that aggregates data and provides location analysis to help entrepreneurs rent or build a premise in the best area for their business. Filters, analytical, and comparison tools make the investigation more flexible and effortless.

march 2016 - january 2020
real estate
1 Full-Stack developer
1 iOS developer
1 Project manager
challenged to scale the real estate data accumulation app

developing new features and refactoring legacy code
The next step was to accumulate a HUGE amount of data about objects and particular areas from different resources (Google Places, ReCity, etc.)
The information updates in real-time and helps customers choose the most valuable place for their business needs. Users get the full report about:
- transportation
- population
- number of businesses in that area
- average household income

- interactive map with variables of filters and information overlay
- a-b navigation and transport analytics
- pdf report export
- automobile and human logistics overview
- business search and analytics
- chosen objects “SpiderWeb” analysis
- “team work” feature with the ability to work with your partners in one space
- youtube broadcasting

During the past few years, the owners of Layer Cake were able to scale their software significantly. Layer Cake is a platform where business owners receive a complex analysis of the location they want to develop. As a result, it helps them to get the maximum from their investment in real estate.
Because of our teamwork, Layer Cake achieved a partnership with one of the most significant retail networks, Target.