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Automating car wash business processes

  • UX/UI design
  • CRM development
  • Mobile app
Rocketwash screen

RocketWash is the CRM that lets car wash firms control and automate their daily processes, track performance, manage finances, handle bookings, and much more. Rocket Wash was looking for a car wash CRM development company to create an app.

about Rocketwash about Rocketwash

since 2013 –



  • 3 Full-stack developers
  • 1 Frontend developer
  • 1 UX/UI designer
  • 1 PM
  • 50

    automated modules

  • 130

    car wash companies joined CRM

challenged to create car wash control and automation system

The idea was to create an automotive CRM system suitable for all car wash businesses and a mobile app for car owners.

The system should automate all business processes beginning with attracting customers and registering orders to calculating net profits.

challenge image

automotive CRM

The car wash management software aimed to provide service to three parties:

  • Car washes – convenient, easy, and affordable program.
  • Car owners – simple, understandable mobile application without unnecessary bells and whistles so that sign up for a car wash takes only 20 seconds.
  • Partners – an understandable system of remuneration and a high level of earnings.

We delivered custom web applications and the mobile app.

The decision was made to split the development into three phases:

  • Preparation of technical requirements

  • Development
    of MVP

  • Improvement of the application following demo users’ reviews

UX research

  • user persona
  • CJM
  • user flow
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solution img

how we solved some of the challenges during the project

guarantee scalability, fault tolerance, and system safety


Use of a multitenancy approach using separate schema for each organization.

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create a new reservation in 30 seconds or less


Integration of Elasticsearch for fast and convenient client lookup. Automate most of the calculations in the reservation popup, improve UX to minimize manual actions count.

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supervise employees and prevent theft


Integration of video monitoring with OCR for automated car number recognition.

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stable and efficient notification system via SMS


Integration of five different SMS gateways. A specific gateway is selected depending on the recipient country.

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delivered features

  • organization view with money flow, financial information, payments comparison
  • orders management and history
  • time tracking panel
  • personnel management
  • payroll accounting
  • finances management
  • operational panel
  • services management
  • counterparties section
  • built-in analytics
  • reporting system
  • AI/Machine learning recognition
  • payment systems
Rocketwash delivered features

technology stack

backend icon
Ruby on Rails NGINX Elasticsearch PostgreSQL Sidekiq Redis Puma
frontend icon
frontend icon
React Native
Rocketwash technology stack Rocketwash integration


  • Meetings

    We support daily communication using Slack.

    The team used Redmine and Trello to assign tasks and track the progress.

  • Tools
    • Slack icon
    • Redmine icon
    • Trello icon
Rocketwash communication


For more than five years since the project started, Rocket Wash has helped more than 100 car wash owners to automate their business processes, bringing their businesses to the next level with mobile registration and payments.

Thanks to the implementation of the solution, some business owners observed an increase in profits from 40% to 350%. An advantage for car owners is that they no longer need to be concerned about queues at the car washes.

review photo
Nikolau, 08/26/2020

Very satisfied with the app, easily set up. Like slick design and interface, always book a car wash through the app. Awesome result, my car’s always clean and the service is great.

review photo
Irina Tsvetayeva, 08/27/2020

Excellent app, rather easy to use. I often use carwashing services. This app is great and doesn’t hang. There’s no problem to book a car wash. Highly recommend!

review photo
Dmitry, 02/08/2021

Satisfied with the system, will integrate other modules for sure. Also consider implementing a mobile app, ‘cause customers need booking a car wash on-line. Strongly recommend RocketWash for those who’s choosing a solution for car washing service.

Rocketwash screen Rocketwash screen

Rubyroid Labs has handled our project for more than five years. For all this time we have no complaints about quality, speed of development, and communication. We are proud of our product. The Rubyroid Labs team helped us to make this happen.

Andrew Boriskin, Founder Rocket Wash Andrew Boriskin, Founder Rocket Wash

estimate your project

Pavel Nahorski, VP of Business Development

Pavel Nahorski VP of Business Development

Rating of Rubyroid Labs 5.0
based on reviews of 47 customers