Day One Credit
Developing car loan management system from scratch
- CRM development
- UX/UI design

Day One Credit is a car loan management system that connects people who do not qualify for traditional car loans with the companies and dealers who offer bankruptcy car loans in California. They needed a system to manage and automate this process.

2018 – 2021
San Diego, CA
fintech, automotive
2 Full-stack developers
1 UX/UI designer
1 PM

As the first step, our Business Analyst created a specification. After that, our In-House Designer prepared UI/UX for the app.
When the design was approved, our Full‑Stack Engineer started the loan automation app development.

Our team developed a car loan management system, a notifications system, a client visiting system, data collection and processing, and a system of statuses and notes.

Also, we had a challenge implementing a custom login for different types of users, synchronizing Rail’s website and WordPress blog. The problem was with the data cache.

- CRM system
- blog
- notification system through SMS and email messages
- website layout
- visitors planning system

The landing page and loan automation system for the project were successfully delivered in two months and helped to sell 20 cars before the marketing campaign was started. After the release, Rubyroid Labs supported the project. Because of Covid-19, the project is on pause.